Welcome to the site of Physiotherapy for Children, a pediatric physiotherapy practice of Karin de Bruijn, who has been working in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel and its surroundings since 1990.
The practice

Fysiotherapie voor Kinderen has been established in Gemert-Bakel since 1990 and has a location in and Boekel.
Pediatric Physiotherapy is a specialization of physiotherapy. The practice has therefore been fully adjusted for children of ages 0 to 18 years old. We treat children with challenges with (Senso-) mobility development, sport related pains and posture problems.
We value a positive approach to the treatment of a child in a stimulating and challenging environment.
Joy in movement and learning through play are the foundation of every treatment of a young child. We value a good collaboration between all parties involved with the development of the child.
Treatment at home is, after consultation and if necessary, possible. Karin de Bruijn works in the practice, a BIG registered pediatric physiotherapist, included in the Central Quality Registry (KRF NL) of the Royal Society for Physiotherapy (KNGF) and the Dutch Association of Pediatric Physiotherapy (NVFK).
Your physiotherapist

My name is Karin de Bruijn, I was born in Beek en Donk and have been living in Gemert for over 25 years. I am the proud mother of 3 children and two grandchildren. In 1987 I graduated the bachelor physiotherapy in Utrecht, after which I continued with a study post-HBO sports physiotherapy during which I have worked at various locations in and around Utrecht.
This is where I first came into contact with the therapy specifically for children which sparked my ambition for further specialization for pediatric physiotherapy, through a wide range of courses.
In 1990 I started in what used to be a ‘Sensorimotor skills for children’ practice in Gemert, which I have taken over in 1992. The practice moved in 1994 to its current location in Gemert. In 2010 I started a location in Beek en Donk and in 2017 another in Boekel.
From 1996 to 1999 I graduated the very first study for pediatric physiotherapist from the Avans Hogeschool in Breda. During that same time I also completed the course for Sensory/Sensorimotor Integration. I have been keeping up to date with developments in my field on a yearly basis, for example with a study ASM (Athletic Skills Model), which emphasizes a broad motorical development.
What I enjoy about my work is the dynamism, authenticity and originality of children. It’s a challenge to find the best way to connect with every child in order to stimulate development optimally. Everything happens with coordination with parents and others in the direct environment of the child.
Besides my passion for my work I have always been an active sporter. I have coached and trained junior field hockey, as well as have trained the youngest youth of 4 and 5 years old (funkey).
I’m very interested in languages and as such speak, besides Dutch, decent English, German French as well as a fair bit of Italian.
BIG registration Nr. 79034703604
Fysiotherapie voor Kinderen
Bunder 49
5421 AG Gemert
Fysiotherapie voor Kinderen
Sint Josephplein 25
5428 GL Venhorst
(at Gezondheidscentrum Venhorst)
T 0492361998
Fysiotherapie voor Kinderen
Kennedystraat 17b
5427 CH Boekel
(at Fysiotherapie Boekel)
There is plenty parking space available at all our locations.
For more information please reach out to us via our contact information, or reach out to us directly via the below contact form.